Tuesday, May 18, 2010

4:21 AM

As I sit in front of the computer screen thinking about life I can't help but wonder, "How the fuck did I do it?" I mean, I found myself in just about every shitty situation. I somehow managed to escape the shitty squats, the police investigations, the elitist bullshit, the neighborhood drama and my own personal ghosts to an extent and now I'm getting back up on my feet. Those days that I once had before my luck ran out were wonderful. I know that many of them I won't get back and I can accept that. I burned some bridges and hurt a lot of people along the way due to immaturity and selfishness and I hope that in time they can forgive me. Even more, I hope that I can grow the balls to apologize. Things are better now...I'm married, I have a daughter and I'm learning to get back on my feet. I'm still alive.

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